All Articles by Lindsey Barton Straus, JD

Right Youth Soccer Shoes or Cleats Depends On Field Conditions, Type

Types of soccer cleats include molded cleats, detachable cleats, indoor soccer shoes and turf shoes.

Death of Football Player Highlights Need for Safety Vigilance

While injuries - even of the catastrophic variety - cannot be completely eliminated from football, there are lots of things pro-active parents can do to minimize the risk. 

North Carolina Football Star Dies Of Apparent Heat Illness

Another high school football player has died from what appears to have been a heat-related illness, emphasizing once again the critical importance of hydration safety for football players and other athletes.

Recreational and Competitive Diving Pose Substantial Risks, Study Says

Diving is more dangerous than previously thought, according to a new study reported in the August 2008 issue of the journal Pediatrics.

Football Players At Greater Risk of Heat Illness

While deaths of football players from heat stroke are down (with only one during 2012-2013, compared to 5 in 2011 alone), eat stroke is an ever present concern in the sport because, according to an 2008 study by researchers at University of Florida, there are eight factors that make football players especially vulnerable to heat illness.

Summer Is Tick Season

Now that summer is here, ticks are active. Parents need to take precautions, as ticks can spread several diseases including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis and others. Incidences of each disease vary by region, but the techniques for lowering your chance of contracting any tick-borne disease are the same.

MRSA Risk Increased By Artificial Turf, Studies Say

Three studies of MRSA among Texas high school football players conducted by the Texas Department of State Health Services appear to suggest that those who play on artificial turf are at increased risk.