All Articles by Lindsey Barton Straus, JD

Concussion Grading Scales, Simple v. Complex Classification Jettisoned

The "simple" versus "complex" concussion classification was abandoned under the 3rd international consensus statement on concussion in sport, replaced by list of "modifying" factors, which have carried through to the 4th consensus statement issued in March 2013.

Head Injuries: When Is Immediate Hospitalization Required?

Deteriorating mental status after head trauma may indicate a more serious, potentially life-threatening brain injury requiring immediate hospitalization.

Concussion Statistics for High School Sports

Football remains the sport in which athletes are most at risk of concussions, but other sports (particularly boy's hockey and boys' lacrosse) also have high incidences of concussion, with concussion representing the highest share of injuries in hockey.

Parent's Role After Concussion Occurs: Be Proactive

Parents should not be passive bystanders when it comes to the subject of concussions in sports. There are many things parents can do to minimize the risks that their child will suffer a concussion while playing sports and, more importantly, is not allowed to return to play too soon

Athletic Trainer Plays Critical and Unique Role In Concussion Safety

The AT is an invaluable member of the sports medicine team, particularly when an athlete suffers a concussion, because they have specialized training, and see athletes on a daily basis.  Because they are trusted by athletes, they can encourage the honest self-reporting that is key to avoiding delayed recovery or catastrophic injury.

More Conservative Approach to Concussions in Children, Teens Recommended

Because the brain of the young athlete is still developing, with even subtle damage leading to learning deficits adversely affecting development, and with studies showing younger athletes recover more slowly than adults, a more conservative approach to concussions in children and teens than for older athletes is recommended.

New Technology May Lead To Fewer Concussions, Better Management

Concussions are a fact of life in football, regardless of the level - youth, high school, college or the pros. Most of the football helmets currently in use do little if anything to protect brains from the forces that cause concussions. But technological advances in helmet design, while they may not make concussions in football a thing of the past, hold out at least the promise of a significant reduction in the number of concussions.

Survey Shows Parent Confusion On Nutrition

Many parents are confused about the right foods and fluids to give their kids who play sports.

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) Replace RDAs

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are nutrient-based reference values that expand and replace the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs).

High School Sports Safety: Ten Things to Look For

There are ten things parents should look for in evaluating the safety of their child's high school athletic program, according to the National Association of Athletic Trainers.