All Articles by Brooke de Lench

Return To Sports: Psychological Readiness Just Important As Physical

An athlete not only needs to be physically ready before he returns to the playing field, he also needs to be psychologically ready. If he returns too soon, he risks re-injury, injury to a different part of the body, depression, and decreased performance. A new test helps determine psychological readiness.

California Ski and Snowboard Safety Organization:Making Snow Sports Safer

The tragic death last week of actress Natasha Richardson after hitting her head during a ski lesson at a resort in Canada has been widely - and my opinion, correctly - viewed as a cautionary tale about the risks of participating in winter sports, the need for participants to wear helmets and to take even the most seemingly minor head injuries seriously.

High School Sports Safety Law Passes Kentucky Legislature But Could Have Done Much More

A bill requiring all high school coaches to complete a 10-hour sports safety course and pass an exam before the 2009-2010 school year was passed this week by the Kentucky legislature, but not before important safety provisions were strippped from the bill.

New Law On Sports Concussions: A Great Step In the Right Direction

Every once in a while a news item comes across my desk that deserves a special shout-out.  Such was the case today. 

Spalding Rookie Gear™: The Rave Reviews Are In!

Spalding's Rookie Gear™ basketballs, footballs and soccer balls are a big hit with kids and adults.

Link Between Early Specialization And ACL Injury Increase: No Surprise to Me

Today's annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons brought some news sports parents need to hear.

Watching Kids Play Sports Can Be Tough For Some Safety-Conscious Parents

My first-born son, Taylor (granted, he is only older than his two triplet brothers by a minute!), has taken up a new sport: Ice climbing. He loves it, but I have to say I am less than thrilled. Should I worry?

I am often asked by safety-conscious parents for advice on how to be less nervous watching their children play sports. The questions come from first-time sports dads watching their children play sports against bigger kids to moms who admit to biting their nails during their sons' wrestling matches and football games.

When To Replace Athletic Shoes Depends On Child's Growth and Shoe Wear

Replacing shoes depends on the child's growth rate and the amount of shoe wear.

Hand-Me-Downs and Used Shoes

If you need to buy your child new athletic shoes, either becasue his feet have grown or because they are worn out, you may be considering hand-me-downs or used shoes as an alternative for brand new shoes. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish.

Getting Rid of Odor From Sneakers and Sports Gear

Everyone has encountered smelly athletic shoes, and clothing. Sneakers whose odor carries across a room. The smell from an equipment bag that reaches from the trunk of your car to the front seat. Gloves that have the power to transfer their odor to your hands. Wet clothes left stuffed in a duffle bag that could stand up on their own. Here are some tips on getting rid of odor from sneakers and sports gear.