All Articles by Brooke de Lench

The Jock Culture and What Parents Can Do About It

It is sad but true that our sports culture all too frequently extends extra privileges to athletes because of their presumed special status, a phenomenon commonly called  "the jock culture." While that culture at the nation's middle and high school isn't going to go away any time soon, there are steps parents can take to at least avoid reinforcing its  negative aspects.

Sports Benefit Boys in Many Ways

It is well-established that playing sports is good for boys.  Indeed, some experts contend that, given  the way they hard-wired, boys need sports and competition because they provide healthy ways to channel their intense physicality and aggression and feel strong.

New Concussion Study Highlights Need For More Education, Stricter Return To Play Guidelines

A new study in the journal Pediatrics contains some good news and bad news.

A new study in the journal Pediatrics contains some good news and bad news about sports concussion safety.

Winter Can Be A Wonderland, But Safety Comes First

Winter wonderland from the officeI think I may be doing a lot of writing this winter from my home office, by the looks of it. It seems like just yesterday that I was listening to the hummingbirds three feet away from my desk. Today the snow falls deep, giving me an opportunity to take it slow,  and have fun snow shoeing in the winter wonderland.

MomsTeam: Past, Present, and Future founder and editor-in-chief, Brooke de Lench, talks about how MomsTeam got started and its plans for the future.

Spalding Rookie Gear: A Long Overdue Innovation

Studies have consistently found that the primary reason athletes succeed in sports is they love the game, a love affair with sports that comes from learning the sport's most basic skills at an early age. How do they do that? By playing with equipment like Spalding's new Rookie Gear line of basketballs, footballs and soccer balls that are specifically designed for their small size and weight and that can help them learn proper techniques and mechanics, build confidence and have more fun than standard youth balls.

Competitive Sports: Never Too Late To Achieve Success

Two thought provoking sports stories crossed my desk this week.

8 Ways Mothers Can Make Youth Sports Safer And Enjoyable For All

What serves mothers so well as sports parents is their natural protectiveness, nurturing instinct, emotional openness, and their belief in the importance of fair play, cooperation, connectedness, inclusiveness and the value of doing one's best over winning and competition.  Here are 8 ways moms can use their special gifts to help their child - and all children - have the best possible sports experience.

Ten Things To Remember After Your Child's Team Loses

No matter how talented your child may be, there are going to days when he doesn't play his best, or when, despite his best effort, his team loses.  How you manage both the ups, and the inevitable downs, will play a large role in whether your child has a successful youth sports experience.  Here are ten things to keep in mind after your child's team loses or he doesn't perform up to his expectations.

Ten Things To Remember After Your Child's Team Loses

No matter how talented your child may be, there are going to days when he doesn't play his best, or when, despite his best effort, his team loses.  How you manage both the ups, and the inevitable downs, will play a large role in whether your child has a successful youth sports experience.  Here are ten things to keep in mind after your child's team loses or he doesn't perform up to his expectations.