All Articles by Lindsey Barton Straus, JD

Youth Baseball Injuries Are Common But Few Require Surgery

Although baseball is not considered a contact sport, players suffer a large number of injuries. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, almost 400,000 children ages 5 through 14 years are injured playing baseball each year. While a recent survey found that 25% of baseball players ages 5 to 14 had been injured playing baseball, a three-year study of high school athletes in ten sports by the National Athletic Trainers Association found that baseball actually had the lowest injury rate of the sports studied.

Questions To Ask During Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation or Exam

One of the most important parts of the preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) most sports programs require is the taking of a complete medical history. Parents should make sure that, regardless of the PPE form their child's program uses, the health professional asks the right questions.

Study Says Injury Rate for Girls Higher than Boys in High School Lacrosse

According to a 4-year study (2000- 2003) of injuries in lacrosse reported in the February 2007 issue of The American Journal of Sports Medicine, high school girls experienced a significantly higher rate of HFE (head, face, and eye) injuries than boys, in part because of a lack of protective equipment. Hopefully, the injury rate for girls will drop now that protective eyewear for girls has become mandatory.

An Interview with Michael and Dr. Doreen Greenberg

The Anything You Can Do... series is the first book series to offer real stories of new heroes to young girls. The premise of the series is to profile a variety of young female athletes, from a variety of ethnic, socio-economic, geographical and family backgrounds who have grown up to achieve excellence in Olympic and professional sports.

Protective Goggles Rule in Girls Lacrosse Supported By Study

The 2005 rule by US Lacrosse that female lacrosse players wear protective goggles came not a moment too soon. A study in the February 2007 issue of The American Journal Sports Medicine of injuries to high school and collegiate lacrosse players in the 4 year period (2000 to 2003) before the new equipment mandate went into effect discloses that high school girls and college women experienced a significantly higher rate of HFE (head, face, and eye) injuries than boys and college men.

Rule Changes for 2008 Boys High School Lacrosse

New rules for 2008 High School Boys Lacrosse include rules on the size of goalie stick and uniforms.

Is Your Daughter's Coach A Sexual Predator?

Predators come from all walks of life and, more often than not, have a smooth, well-mannered demeanor. They can be charming, witty, helpful, eager to please. the central personality trait of men who take advantage of trusting women, whether as a coach, professor, minister or psychotherapist, is a desire for power.

Handling Child Sexual Abuse in Sports: Advice for Parents

If your child says she has been sexually abused in sports, the most important thing to do is stay calm and show that you are listening. It is extremely important that your child knows that harassment or abuse is not her fault, nor a reflection her.

Modeling Appropriate Behavior While Driving: Advice for Moms

Surveys show that moms tend to be aggressive drivers, especially when driving SUVs. Children are always learning and imbibing from their social environment. There is never time out when you're not influencing your kids by what your do and say while you are driving your kids - and other parent's kids - to and from sports practices and games.

Road Rage: Sports Parents Victims Too

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that aggressive driving and road rage have been responsible for 2.28 million crashes and 27,935 traffic fatalities in the past five years. Interactions that might have involved non-violent gestures a few years back now may involve golf clubs or weapons. Remember, the deadliest weapons of all are vehicles themselves.