All Articles by Brooke de Lench

Good Youth Sports Coaches Understand Gender Differences but Avoid Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes

Not all male athletes benefit from a certain (i.e. male) coaching style, nor do all female athletes respond better to a kinder, gentler, nicer coaching style. Different athletes respond in different ways, depending on who they are, what their goals are, and what motivates them. A sign of a good coach is that he knows how to tap into those differences and adjust accordingly while avoiding the reinforcement of culturally-based gender stereotypes.

Youth Sports Coaches Need to Set Realistic, Age-Appropriate Expectations

Youth sports coaches should set realistic, age-appropriate expectations for athletes, understand child development, and be child- rather than adult-centered.


Ten Signs of A Good Youth Sports Coach

While youth sports coaches come in all shapes and sizes, the good ones share ten characteristics.

Five Signs Your Child Isn't Having Fun Playing Sports

Since having fun is so essential to a successful youth sports experience, it is important to be on the lookout for signs that your child isn't enjoying herself. If you see a pattern of any of the following five behaviors emerging, it is probably because she is not having fun and, if things don't change, may end up quitting:

Balancing Sports and Family: 13 Tips for Parents

It is possible to create balance within your family's everyday life, even with children who participate in sports. But it is up to you as the parent to make certain that your kids don't over-schedule and establish the right priorities.

Thanking Your Child's Coach

Good coaches appreciate being thanked at the end of the season if they have done a good job.

Youth Sports Liability Waivers: Protecting Towns At The Expense of Our Children’s Safety?

Before every sports season, parents all across the countries are asked to sign forms holding the sports program in which their child will be participating harmless and releasing the program from liability should he be injured. No ifs ands or buts.  The parent or guardian of a child using a program or town’s facilities must sign a waiver.  Such forms are typical for all camp programs; sports clinics and sporting events organized by independent groups, such as the baseball, soccer and football organizations using town fields.

Getting Cut From A Sports Team

Getting cut from a sports team can be a very tough thing for a child or teen to handle. The practice of cutting athletes from middle or high school teams, while it has existed for at least fifty years, is arguably the most controversial practice in youth sports. While the arguments proponents advance in favor of cutting are well-known, MomsTeam founder Brooke de Lench believes the practice is outmoded and needs to be re-examined in light of twenty-first century realities, at least for teams below high school varsity.

Becoming A Youth Sports Coach: Advice For Women

Most of those who coach youth sports are men. If you are a woman, particularly a mom, here's what you need to do if you want to become a coach.

Why Do Women Make Great Youth Sports Coaches?

The absence of woman coaches in youth sports has been termed one of the most backward traditions in sports today. Far from being ill-equipped to be good youth sports coaches, women actually have natural advantages when it comes to coaching at that level and make excellent youth sports coaches.