All Articles by Brooke de Lench

Practicing Yoga As Child Can Set Tone For Healthy and Active Life

When the invitation came in from the Wanderlust Festival in Stratton, Vermont, I wanted to go, especially as I had spent time there visiting my father growing up and practice yoga as an adult. But it turned out that I couldn't find time in my busy schedule running MomsTEAM to get up there, so I offered the media credentials to Tracey Wright, a young chiropractor and yoga enthusiast I have known since she was a child.  Tracey had gone last year and wanted to start blogging on MomsTEAM, so she was only too happy to attend in my stead.

Here's what Tracey had to say about her experience:

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MomsTEAM's newest blogger, Tracey Wright, D.C., reports from the Wanderlust Festival in Stratton, Vermont about the benefits of yoga for kids.

New Jersey Athletic Trainers To Hold Third Annual Sports Safety Summit

MomsTEAM has consistently supported athletic trainers' groups, both at the national (NATA) and state level, in their efforts to improve youth sports safety, both through education and by advocating for ATs in every high school (less than half of U.S. high schools have an AT on staff, although the percentages vary dramatically from state to state).

One of the most active athletic trainers' association at the state level is in New Jersey, which was the first state to require by law that coaches receive safety training, is among the 40 states that have enacted strong youth concussion safety laws, and has been a leader in advocating for academic accommodations for concussed student-athletes. 

Athletic trainers are essential to making youth sports as safe as it can be.  Educational programs, such as the Athletic Trainers Society of New Jersey's third annual sports safety summit on August 1, 2012 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, are important to educating health care professionals on safety issues, including concussions, heat illness, sudden cardiac death and overuse injuries.

The Best NFL Player Who Never Was

There will be times in our lives that we have an opportunity to listen to a motivational speaker whose story is so powerful that it leaves an indelible impression to last a lifetime. JK Parker and Brooke de Lench

Recently, I had that opportunity when I heard John “JK” Parker speak to a high school football team in Oklahoma with which MomsTEAM is working to develop a concussion management program.

There will be times in our lives that we have an opportunity to listen to a motivational speaker whose story is so powerful that it leaves an indelible impression to last a lifetime. Recently, I had that opportunity when I heard John “JK” Parker speak to a high school football team in Oklahoma about how the use of performance enhancing drugs deprived him of a chance at NFL stardom.

Poor Nutrition At Summer Tournaments: Is 'Vacation Mindset' To Blame?

With summer tournaments having long since replaced family vacations for many sports parents, it's easy to get in a "vacation mindset" when it comes to nutrition.  But, says one sports dietitian and mom, the fact is that kids can't 'out-train' a bad diet, especially if it includes unhealthy food from concession stands every weekend.

Sports Drinks: Clearing Up The Confusion

Parents in a recent study were unsure about whether sports drinks were appropriate and under what circumstances. So MomsTEAM asked a sports dietitian and mom to clear up the confusion. Here's what she told us.

Talking Sports Nutrition: Parents May Not Be Best Messengers

A 2012 study by researchers at the University of Minnesota contains some troubling findings about parents' attitudes towards sports and healthy nutrition. MomsTEAM decided to ask sports nutrition expert Allison Maurer for her advice on improving nutrition among youth athletes. 

June is Sports Dads Month: MomsTEAM So Declares!

Are you a dad with kids in sports? If so, you may be feeling a little left out lately.  Not only did MomsTEAM celebrate May as Sports Moms Month, but Proctor and Gamble also launched their "Thank You Mom" campaign last month, with no companion campaign for dads.

We kept getting asked, would MomsTEAM give men equal time by designating June as Sports Dads Month, especially since we have so many male experts, bloggers and visitors? June Is Sports Dads Month

The answer is a resounding YES!

May was Sports Moms Month. What about June? No surprise: it's time to officially announce that MomsTEAM has designated June as Sports Dads Month. We so declare!

How To Make The Best Home Made Greek Yogurt: A Healthy and Affordable Alternative To Store-Bought

Over the past two months I have made more than 24 batches of non-fat, hormone free, plastic free, organic Greek yogurt that, I dare say, is far better tasting and better for you than than the store bought kind, and, once you get the hang of it, easy to make.

We eat lots of Greek yogurt in my family (one son goes through 3 large containers a week), but recently we Home made Greek yogurtbegan to add up our grocery receipts and we realized that the price has been creeping up to a point where a 32 ounce container of Chobani or Fage Low Fat Greek Yogurt costs between $5.59 and $7.49, depending on the store, and it doesn't go on sale all that often.

Here's how to make the best home made Greek yogurt. It's easy to make at home, once you get the hang of it, and beats the store-bought kind because it is less expensive, doesn't waste plastic, and is hormone-free (and organic, if you buy organic milk).

Praise For MomsTEAM Is Nice, But The Fight To Make Youth Sports Safer Isn't Over

As readers of this space well know, MomsTEAM and I have long advocated that the best way to help keep our kids playing interscholastic sports is for schools to hire certified athletic trainers (ATs). 

Years before sport concussions took over as the predominant youth sports safety issue of the 21st centry, we were highlighting the critical and unique role that ATs play in recognizing, evaluating and managing concussions.

Knowing that MomsTEAM's long advocacy for more certified athletic trainers in the nation's schools, and a powerful video explaining just why ATs are so critical to youth sports safety, are making a difference is not only gratifying, but with only 42% of high schools in the country having access to ATs, MomsTEAM's work is far from done.