
Edward Feldman (Chiropractor): Feldenkrais Method Helped Rock Climber Recover From Serious Leg Fractures

In recognition of April as National Youth Sports Safety Month, MomsTeam has asked 30 experts to write a blog answering two questions: first, how or why did they get into their field, and second, how have they made a difference in the life of a youth athlete in the past year.

Today, we hear from Edward Feldman, a chiropractor and certified CranioSacral therapist and Feldenkrais teacher from Kingston, New Jersey.

By Edward H. Feldman, DC, RCST

A Doctor of Chiropractic explains how the use of the Feldenkrais Method allowed an athlete to walk without a cane and with less pain after he fractured both his tibia and fibia while rock climbing.

New Study of Rock Climbing Carabiners

Carabiners, small metal ovals with opening gates, are used extensively in rock climbing and mountaineering as a connection between the rope/climber and the protection attached to the rock wall/ice sheet. Engineering advances in the last twenty years have enabled carabiners to become far lighter, an advantage when weight is an issue and each additional ounce is counted.  With this new technology, however, comes the question, how safe are these carabiners for climbing?

Rock Climbing Injuries Common Among Advanced, Frequent Climbers, Study Says

A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine establishes what rock climbing enthusiasts have long known: injuries - especially to fingers, elbows and shoulders - are common, especially among frequent, advanced climbers.
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