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From Dr. Robert Cantu

In layperson's terms, a concussion results from trauma (e.g. usually but not always a blow to the head, face or neck) which causes the brain - a jellylike structure which is normally protected from collisions with the skull by a tough, fluid-filled membrane - to collide with the skull.

Number, Intensity, and Degree of Concussion Symptoms Determine Severity, Says Dr. Robert Cantu

Duration, number and degree of post-concussion signs and symptoms determine concussion severity, says Dr. Robert Cantu.

Concussions: Monitor Child in First 24-48 Hours

Regular post-concussion monitoring is essential in the first 24 to 48 hours after injury to check for signs of deteriorating mental status that may indicate a more serious injury, says Dr. Robert Cantu.

Baseball Helmet Safety

Travis Gessley, Product Manager at Rawlings, disusses baseball helmet safety and the importance of buying a NOCSAE-certified helmet.

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