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performance anxiety

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K.C. Wilder (Performance Coach): Learned From Kids That No Such Thing As Failure In Sports

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. So, in 2012, MomsTEAM designated May as Sports Moms Month and celebrated by asking some of our favorite sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions.

Today, we hear from former professional cyclist, certified sports trainer, performance coach and sports mom, K.C. Wilder:

 MomsTEAM: Were you an athlete and what sports did you play as a youth (under 19)?

A former professional cyclist, certified sports trainer and performance consultant says the most important thing she has learned from her kidsis that there is no such thing as failure in youth sports.

One Year Older and Miles Forward

It has been awhile since I have contributed a blog article to this website; a year of grief, chaos, school, travel and sporting events keeping me from my passion of writing.  Although I have not written here, I continue to visit this site and my previous articles to revisit just how far Nicholas has come as an athlete an individual and, more importantly, just how far our family has come as a "team".  

Teaching Kids to Relax Playing Sports

Parents can help young athletes overcome anxiety and have more fun playing sports, including a technique called performance exhaling.

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