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12 Ways To Make School Lunch Healthy And Fun

With the school year starting, here are 12 ways for parents to make bringing lunch to school healthy and fun.

Protein FAQs for Athletes

Protein is a popular topic these days among competitive athletes, but there is a lot of confusion about how much protein they need, when they should eat it, and the best kinds of protein to choose. A leading sports nutritionist answers to some frequently asked questions active people commonly ask about protein in a sports diet.

Educating Parents Is Key To Healthier Food Choices For Youth Athletes

The key to helping parents make healthier food choices for their sports-active kids is education, says the founder and director of DirectionFive Health, a culinary and nutrition program for kids.

Sports Nutrition News

Here are a few of the nutrition highlights from the American College of Sports Medicine's 2012 annual meeting.

Poor Nutrition At Summer Tournaments: Is 'Vacation Mindset' To Blame?

With summer tournaments having long since replaced family vacations for many sports parents, it's easy to get in a "vacation mindset" when it comes to nutrition.  But, says one sports dietitian and mom, the fact is that kids can't 'out-train' a bad diet, especially if it includes unhealthy food from concession stands every weekend.

Concession Stand Food: Does It Have To Be Unhealthy?

Parents know that food offered at youth sports concession stands is unhealthy and are skeptical that real change is possible, but there may be more support for more healthy concession stand fare than some realize.

Talking Sports Nutrition: Parents May Not Be Best Messengers

A 2012 study by researchers at the University of Minnesota contains some troubling findings about parents' attitudes towards sports and healthy nutrition. MomsTEAM decided to ask sports nutrition expert Allison Maurer for her advice on improving nutrition among youth athletes. 

Summer Camp: Is It Where Disordered Eating Sometimes Starts?

For all the great things about summer camp, it may also be a place where children, away from parental supervision for weeks or even months, can develop disordered eating behaviors, say experts.  Here are some tips to help parents plan a healthy, fun camp experience for their children and proactively practice eating disorders prevention.

Healthy Eating A Challenge for Youth Sports Athletes, Parents Say

The food and beverages available to and consumed by youth athletes when they participate in organized sports is often unhealthy, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Minnesota.

How To Make The Best Home Made Greek Yogurt: A Healthy and Affordable Alternative To Store-Bought

Over the past two months I have made more than 24 batches of non-fat, hormone free, plastic free, organic Greek yogurt that, I dare say, is far better tasting and better for you than than the store bought kind, and, once you get the hang of it, easy to make.

We eat lots of Greek yogurt in my family (one son goes through 3 large containers a week), but recently we Home made Greek yogurtbegan to add up our grocery receipts and we realized that the price has been creeping up to a point where a 32 ounce container of Chobani or Fage Low Fat Greek Yogurt costs between $5.59 and $7.49, depending on the store, and it doesn't go on sale all that often.

Here's how to make the best home made Greek yogurt. It's easy to make at home, once you get the hang of it, and beats the store-bought kind because it is less expensive, doesn't waste plastic, and is hormone-free (and organic, if you buy organic milk).

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