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iPhone App Helps Keep Athletes Well Hydrated, Avoid Heat-Related Illness

With fall sports beginning around the country, often in dangerously hot weather conditions, Mobile Sports, Inc. (MSI) today announced the launch of iHydrateTM, an innovative iPhone application giving athletes, parents of athletes, and coaches the tools and information they need to avoid dehydration and other, more serious heat-related illnesses.

Pre-Season Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines

In 2009, the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) issued a set of high school-specific pre-season heat- acclimatization guidelines as part of its ongoing effort to reduce the number of heat-related athletic injuries in secondary schools. The guidelines have been adopted in seventeen states and are being considered by many others.

International Soccer Boarding School Secrets: Pre-Game Tactics Pt. 1

A good pre-game routine is vital to playing a good soccer game. Unfortunately, many players don't know what they need to do, or they neglect to develop a good routine. Both mental and physical pre-game rituals are necessary to help you play your best.

Here are some of the tips and tactics our technical coaches use to keep soccer boarding school students in top shape.

Soccer boarding school tip: The night before

Early Morning Games: What and When To Eat

If your child has an early morning practice, it is important to eat a nutritious meal the night before, a bedtime snack, and a small snack/mini-breakfast that morning for peak performance.

Pre-Game Meal Ideas

Here are some pre-game meal ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner before your child's big game.

Pre-Game Meal: Fuel for Sports

If your child goes to a game or scrimmage without having eaten, he or she will not have the energy to play at his/her full potential.  A  meal 2 to 3 hours before the game made up mostly of carbohydrate-rich foods provides the fuel for sports.

Is Low-Fat/No-Fat The Way To Go?

Cutting out all fats isn't a good idea because the body needs some fats to function.  The key is for your child to eat food with healthful fats and avoid unhealthy fats like saturated fats, trans fats and hydrogenated oils.

Pre-Game Carb Loading

When you eat a starchy food, like a banana, the carbohydrates are changed into blood sugar or glucose, which muscles burn for energy.  Any glucose that's not immediately used gets stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen- which can be used for energy later.  Glycogen is the preferred fuel for muscles.

Nutrient Dense Whole Foods Are Best for Sports

Nutrient dense whole foods are best for sports. To figure out whether a food is a whole food or not, you just have to ask yourself if it was manufactured in a factory or grown in a field.  Or better yet, read the label. If it's a whole food, you should be able to recognize every ingredient as something that grows in nature.

Responsible Weight Gain for Young Athletes?!

Responsible weight gain, sounds funny, but it is a serious problem especially with junior and senior high school athletes.

I was recently asked this question from one of our newsletter subscribers and I see the problem all the time.
Weight gain for most of us is not in the plans, however for our athletes, it is very important for their performance as well as survival. Athletes often want to get bigger and too many of them feel they can eat what they want and still grow. They can grow, however the objective should be to add muscle not body fat.

Responsible weight gain, sounds funny, but it is a serious problem especially with junior and senior high school athletes.  Weight gain for most of us is not in the plans, however for our athletes, it is very important for their performance as well as
survival. Athletes often want to get bigger and too many of them feel they can eat what they want and still grow. They can grow; however the objective should be to add muscle, not body fat.

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