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Sports Nutrition Basics

Top Three Nutrition Tips For Athletes

Sports nutritionist and MomsTeam expert Nancy Clark's top three nutrition tips for athletes: think of food as fuel; fuel by day, diet by night; and, think quality calories.


2017 Sports Nutrition News

In this era of highly competitive sports, athletes are always looking for ways to fuel optimally. Performance nutrition is also of interest to military personnel. Our longtime sports nutrition expert reports from this year's annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine on recent nutrition research from both civilian and military exercise scientists.

Meal Timing: Does It Matter When You Eat?

According to a recent statement published by the American Heart Association the timing and frequency of meals is important for cardiovascular health, and is particularly important for athletes. Because children and adolescents who skip meals have a higher risk of developing health issues, the issue is particularly important for parents in meal planning.

Eat Fat, Get Fat or Eat Fat, Get Healthy?

With national magazines reporting that butter is back and the Paleo diet embracing coconut oil, athletes are left wondering whom to believe. A top sports nutritionist addresses the issue of dietary fat and the sports diet.

Hot Topics in Food and Nutrition: Updates from the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics

Can a vegetarian athlete get enough protein? What about antibiotics in meat? Do artificial sweeteners cause cancer? These are just a few of the questions that athletes often ask in their quest to eat wisely and consume a quality sports diet. Here are some answers from an expert, based on the latest research.

A Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet for Athletes Not Supported By Research

Have you been hearing stories that fats are better than carbs for fuel for endurance athletes? Maybe you have wondered if scientific research supports those stories? A top sports nutritionist reviews the evidence.

SmartTeams™ Talks: Sports Dietitian Allison Maurer Says Youth Athletes Grossly Overfed But Chronically Under-Fueled

University of Tennessee sports dietitian, Allison Maurer, RD, views nutrition as one of the missing links in injury prevention, thinks the message about sports nutrition needs to be changed to "food is fuel," and urges an increased presence of nutritionists at the high school level.

Running On Empty (Or Not): Answers To FAQs About Pre-Game Nutrition

The most frequently asked question athletes of all ages and abilities ask sports nutritionist Nancy Clark is, "What should I eat before I exercise? Here are answers to FAQs about pre-exercise nutrition.

Foods to Strengthen Your Child's Teeth

Nutrition plays a huge role in how strong your child's teeth and bones form. You can help your kids develop and grow by encouraging healthy foods in their diet. The right foods can help teeth and enamel stay strong and healthy. Here are some common foods that can help with your children's oral health.

Regular Sports and Energy Drink Use By Teens Linked With Cluster of Unhealthy Behaviors

Weekly consumption of sports drinks and energy drinks among adolescents is significantly associated with higher consumption of other sugar-sweetened beverages, cigarette smoking, and screen media use, according to a new study.
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