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Health & Safety

Katherine Starr: Safe4Athletes' Founder Fighting To Keep Kids Safe From Sexual Abuse, Harassment, and Bullying

In recognition of April as National Youth Sports Safety Month, MomsTeam asked our friends in the medical, health, fitness, nutrition and athletic training communities to write blogs answering two questions: first, how or why did they get into their field, and second, how have they made a difference in the life of a youth athlete in the past year.

Today, as the month draws to a close, we hear from Katherine Starr, a former two-time Olympic swimmer and founder of Safe4Athletes, an advocacy and educational non-profit fighting to keep athletes safe from sexual abuse, harassment and bullying.

A former two-time Olympic swimmer talks about why she founded Safe4Athletes, an advocacy and educational non-profit fighting to keep athletes safe from sexual abuse, harassment and bullying.

Toben Nelson: Raising Awareness About Link Between Sports Participation And Risk of Heavy Drinking

In recognition of April as National Youth Sports Safety Month, MomsTeam is again asking our friends in the medical, health, fitness, nutrition and athletic training communities to write blogs answering two questions: first, how or why did they get into their field, and second, how have they made a difference in the life of a youth athlete in the past year. 

Today, we hear from Toben Nelson, Associate Professor in the School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology & Community Health at the University of Minnesota.

By Toben F. Nelson, ScD

A professor of public health discusses the link between athletics and underage drinking and the role parents can play in protecting their children from the problems associated with excessive drinking by teen athletes.

Deb Bowen: "Aha" Moment After Son's Injury Inspired Career Teaching Yoga To Teen Athletes

In recognition of April as National Youth Sports Safety Month, MomsTeam is again asking our friends in the health, fitness, nutrition and athletic training communities to write blogs answering two questions: first, how or why did they get into their field, and second, how have they made a difference in the life of a youth athlete in the past year.

Today, we hear from certified yoga instructor, Deb Bowen. 

A sports mom tells how she was inspired by her son's overuse injury to become a certified yoga teacher so she could bring the physical and mental benefits of yoga to teen athletes.

Five Commonly Used Sports Medicine Tests and Procedures Parents Should Question

The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) has released a list of five tests and procedures that are commonly ordered but not always necessary in sports medicine, to facilitate conversations between patients and physicians about what care is really necessary.

Recovery From ACL Surgery Complete, Student-Athlete Starts Website To Support Others

After her successful recovery from a torn ACL, one Texas high school soccer player decided that other athletes shouldn't have to deal with the same emotional pain she felt while going through my injury, so she started a website to provide emotional support, information and advice to other athletes trying to bounce back from similar sports-related injuries.

Serious Overuse Injuries Linked To Athlete's Socioeconomic Status

Are athletes whose families can afford the high cost of today's increasingly specialized and expensive youth sports paying a price in higher rates of injury? The answer appears to be yes, according to new research for the first time links overuse injury rates in young athletes with their socioeconomic status.

Weightlifting For Youth: Can Be Safe and Enjoyable, Expert Panel Says

Participation in the sport of weightlifting and the performance of weightlifting movements as part of a strength and conditioning program can be safe, effective and enjoyable for children for children and adolescents, says a new position statement by an international panel of experts.

Expert Panel Issues Resistance Training Guidelines For Children and Adolescents

A new international consensus position statement contains comprehensive guidelines on youth resistance training, and has been endorsed by 10 leading professional organizations within the fields of sports medicine, exercise science, and pediatrics. 

Resistance Training For Children: Emphasize Muscle Strength, Function, And Control, Not Muscle Size

Appropriately designed resistance training programs can benefit youth of all ages, with children as young as 5-6 years of age making noticeable improvements in muscular fitness following exposure to basis resistance training using free weights, elastic resistance bands and machine weights, says a new international consensus statement.

Resistance Training: Unique Benefits For Young Female Athletes

A resistance training program, while beneficial for all children and teens, is particularly important for young adolescent girls, says a new international consensus position statement.
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