In August of 2000, with the help of some of the country’s most respected experts in the worlds of sports, medicine, psychology, law, technology, business and marketing, I launched to address the needs of sports parents.
I knew, as a mother of sports active triplet sons, that it would take an entire team of people to give youth sports parents the information and support they needed to be successful.
We stood there sharing our collective wisdom, concerns, and questions for the entire game.
Thus, from a sideline discussion between a lawyer, emergency room nurse, child psychologist and a few other sports parents – what one of my sons so aptly called Mom’s team – was born®
Again, everyone was asking questions, but this time the questions were much more difficult to answer: First, was there any way to solve the youth sports crisis in this country, to make it child-centered again, to make it as much about having fun and skill development as it was about winning, to reduce the alarming number of injuries kids are suffering playing sports – not just physical injuries such as concussions and overuse injuries, but emotional ones as well.
And, second, how could YouthSportsParents use its position as a trusted source of information for youth sports parents to advocate for change while at the same time upholding the high standards of journalistic objectivity that had become our trademark?