All Articles by May Is Sports Moms Month

Olympic Gold Medalist Barbara Ann Cochran: Love of Sport, Self-Belief, and Hard Work Can Help Make Dreams Come True

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. At momsTEAM we think sports moms deserve to be honored, not just on the second Sunday in May, but for an entire month. So we have designated May as National Sports Moms Month and invited some veteran sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. We will post a new blog for every day of May, which we hope you will find interesting, empowering, and informative, and that you will share them with your family and friends.

An Olympic skiing gold medalist talks about learning from her daughter that dreams can be achieved if you love what you're doing, believe in yourself, and work hard to improve.

Wella Peirsol Hartig: Mom of 2 Olympic-Level Athletes Advises Parents Not to Pressure Kids To Succeed in Sports

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role.  At momsTEAM we think sports moms deserve to be honored, not just on the second Sunday in May, but for an entire month. So we have designated May as National Sports Moms Month and invited some veteran sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. We will post a new blog for every day of May, which we hope you will find interesting, empowering, and informative, and that you will share them with your family and friends.Aaron Piersol

The mother of two Olympic-level athletes says that while parents need to watch over their kids to protect them, the biggest mistakes they can make are living vicariously through and put pressure on their children to succeed in sports.

Barbara Bleiweis: Learned Importance of Positive Attitude on Sports Sideline

Being the mother of an athlete is a challenging yet rewarding role. At momsTEAM we think sports moms deserve to be honored, not just on the second Sunday in May, but for an entire month. So we have designated May as National Sports Moms Month and invited some veteran sports moms to share their wisdom by responding to a series of questions. We will post a new blog for every day of May, which we hope you will find interesting, empowering, and informative, and that you will share them with your family and friends.

A working mom of two teenagers, high school basketball official, and youth sports reform advocate says her kids taught her the importance of a positive attitude on the sports sideline and how to let go and move on after a loss.

May Is Sports Moms Month!


Ask the average person what special day is celebrated in May, and most will say Mother's Day. 

Ask sports fans who athletes most often thank when they are interviewed on television, and most are likely to say their moms. 

Now ask someone in what month does the country celebrate National Sports Moms Month, and I bet you would be met with a lot of quizzical looks.  May Is Soorts Moms Month

Fact is that, up until now, there hasn't been such a month, at least one that I could find (although I bet that, push came to shove, loyal readers of momsTEAM might guess May).

Up to now there has been no National Sports Moms Month. Today, that all changes.  Who better to designate May as Sports Moms Month than momsTEAM? For the entire month of May, we will be honoring and celebrating sports moms everywhere with a new blog each day from a veteran sports mom. Let the blogging begin!