All Articles by Deb Vee

Attention Deficit Disorder and Youth Sports

Sports psychologist Dr. Casey Cooper talks about how sports benefit athletes with Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD by building self-esteem and providing a physical outlet.

When To Take Your Child To A Sports Psychologist

Sports psychologist Dr. Casey Cooper says there are a variety of circumstances that might prompt parents to consider seeking help for their child from a sports psychologist but performance enhancement is way down the list.

Most Kids Have Suffered Abuse In Sports

Almost half (45.3%) of those surveyed (both males and females) said they had been emotionally abused while participating in sports (i.e. called names, yelled at, or insulted).

Risk Management Programs Help Keep Children Safe in Sports

More and more, national, state and local youth sports organizations are establishing risk management committees to reduce the legal and financial risks to members of the boards of clubs, leagues and state associations through proper management, while at the same time safeguarding players.

Background Checks for Coaches: What State Laws Say

A list of links to websites where parents can go to find out what about their state's law on background checks.

Buying the Right Gear for Women's Lacrosse

Jenny Riitano-Levy, Brine's women's lacrosse and field hockey brand manager, offers tips on choosing the right equipment for women's lacrosse.

Growing Popularity of Women's Lacrosse

Jenny Riitano-Levy, women's lacrosse and field hockey brand manager at Brine, explains the growing popularity of women's lacrosse.

Preventing Spread Of MRSA and Other Communicable Diseases

The National Athletic Trainers' Association has re-released a set of recommendations for precautions that should be followed by parents, coaches, athletic trainers, other health care professionals and participants in secondary school athletics, in order to prevent the spread of communicable and infectious diseases. Due to the nature of competitive sports at the high school level, there is an elevated risk of infectious diseases being spread by skin-to-skin contact and contaminated equipment shared by athletes.

Protective Eyewear For Girl's Lacrosse

Finding the right protective goggles for your lacrosse playing daughter requires trying on lots of different goggles, says Jenny Riitano-Levy, women's lacrosse and field hockey brand manager at Brine, because every face is different.

Women's Lacrosse Equipment

Jenny Riitano-Levy, women's lacrosse and field hockey brand manager at Brine, talks about the basic pieces of equipment required to play women's lacrosse.