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Study Finds Few Doctors, Schools, and States Use National Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form

The medical community is largely unaware of national sports preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) guidelines and only 11% of athletes at US high schools are guaranteed to receive a PPE fully consistent with the national standard, finds a 2014 study. The findings come despite efforts to standardize the screening process, and nearly unanimous public support for screening by a qualified health care professional before participation in a consistent manner across the country.

Taking Of Concussion History Important Part of Preparticipation Exam

Concussion experts agree that the taking of a detailed concussion history as part of a student-athlete's preparticipation physical evaluation is valuable because it can identify athletes at high risk of further injury, provides an opportunity for concussion education, and modifying playing style to reduce risk.

Preventing Overuse Injuries in Youth Athletes

Overuse injuries account for fifty percent of all youth sports injuries, but half are preventable, says the National Athletic Trainers' Association in a new position statement.

Preparticipation Physical Exam Forms – Is Your School Administration Auditing The Athletic Department?

Does everybody on a school sport's team really have a properly executed preparticipation evaluation form on file?  Can you really be sure?  The only way to really know is to have your school's administration periodically audit the athletic department.

Multiple Concussions: Important Factor In Management

A multiple concussion history, especially where concussions occur with progressively less impact force, are considered modifying factors in the investigation and management of concussion under the current international consensus statement on concussions.

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