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Injury Treatment

Use of Graston Technique Helps Heal Muscle Tear and Prevent Re-Injury

The Grafton Technique, says William H. Caddoo, D.C., uses specialized instruments in the treatment of muscle tears, such as a hamstring tear. The non-surgical treatment manipulates the muscle to break up scar tissue, which triggers an inflammatory response that not only aids in healing but helps prevent re-injury.

Return to Play Criteria Designed To Minimize Risk of Re-Injury

Return to sports after an injury is a stepwise process, says Eric Laudano, M.H.S., ATC, head athletic trainer at the University of Pennsylvania, designed to minimize the chances of re-injury.

Feldenkrais Method Can Help Athlete Regardless of Sport

Edward Feldman, DC, RCST, says the Feldenkrais Method can help any athlete, regardless of sport, perform better.

Post-Concussion Syndrome: New Treatments Offer Hope

Until recently, says Edward Feldman, DC, RCST, treatment options for post-concussion syndrome were fairly limited, but new therapies offer hope to some patients for recovery from traumatic brain injury.

Athletic Trainers: Every School Should Have One

March is National Athletic Trainers Month.  Although the number of athletic trainers at U.S. high schools is increasing, the latest statistics suggest that less than half have an AT on staff.  Here's a video that shows just how important they are in keeping our kids safe.

Unmarked Detour: Concussion Treatment Involved Team of Specialists

Because her daughter Heidi was experiencing post-concussion syndrome (PCS), and because her concussion made several pre-existing conditions worse, says Dorothy Bedford, a large team of different specialists - both traditional and alternative - were consulted in managing her care.

Concussion Recovery: Craniosacral Therapy and Feldenkrais Method May Help

Craniosacral therapy and the Feldenkrais Method can help concussion recovery, says Edward Feldman, D.C., RCST.

Unmarked Detour: Early In Concussion Recovery Pain Killers Helped For Headaches And Sleep

Early in her daughter Heidi's concussion recovery, pain killers (Tylenol and prescription medications, Percocet, Toradol), which numbed her headaches and helped her overcome the sleep disturbances associated with her concussion, says Dorothy Bedford.

Unmarked Detour: Mild Aerobic Exercise Helped Recovery From Post-Concussion Syndrome

Mild aerobic exercise such as walking, following an experimental protocol developed at the State University of New York at Buffalo, helped her daughter Heidi's recovery from post-concussion syndrome (PCS), says her mom, Dorothy Bedford.

Concussion Therapies: Amantadine Shows Potential in Treating Post-Concussion Syndrome

A first-of-its-kind study reports that the drug Amantadine shows promise in treating adolescents who have not spontaneously recovered from concussion following a 3 to 4 weeks of cognitive and physical rest.
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