
Obese Children Need Sports, Not Bullying

Today has been a busy news day on the subject of obesity. Not only was the National Activity Plan announced in Washington, D.C, as part of a new grassroots effort to combat America's alarming rates of adult and childhood obesity and decreasing levels of physical activity, but a new study by researchers at the University of Michigan and reported in the June 2010 issue of the journal Pediatrics proves what many have suspected: that obese children are more likely to be victims of bullying than their non-overweight peers. 

Obese Children Bullied More Often: Study

A new study shows that being obese, in and of itself, makes it more likely that a child will be the victim of school bullying, increasing the risk that the child will experience depression, anxiety, and loneliness.  Steps to address bullying and obesity at the individual, school and community level are badly needed, the study says.

Bullying: An Ongoing Problem In Youth Sports

Recently, I received the following letter from a mother who had attended one of my talks to a group of sports moms.

It is sad, but true, that some kids think that one way to keep moving up the sports pyramid is to eliminate the competition and drive kids to quit, especially if they perceive them as competitive threats, through bullying or teasing. We start off October is National Bullying Prevention Month with a personal story about bullying.

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