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Ten Signs of a Good
Youth Sports Program

Brooke deLench
Raising sports active kids is difficult, perhaps never more so than today. Parents feel pressure to help their kids succeed and to keep up with other parents in an increasingly winner-take-all society. Too often, parents feel that if they don't do everything for their child, they are bad parents. Some parents seem to take pride in how busy and stressed are their lives and those of their kids, as if it is a measure of how successful they are and how successful they must be as parents. More >>

By Dr. Keith Wilson

It might seem a little odd to think about a ten year old baseball player with performance anxiety. We usually reserve that term for adult players who choke under pressure. However, odds are that, as a parent, you have seen some of the following symptoms of performance anxiety in your young athlete or one that you know: More >>

Making a Fresh Fruit DrinkA new, first-of-its-kind survey conducted for the American Dietetic Association's sports nutrition practice group, SCAN (Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionists), finds that many parents are confused about the right foods and fluids to give their kids who play sports. More >>

By Dr. Keith Wilson

I write this letter to youth sports officials from the point of view of a parent who has been involved in youth sports for 15 years. I have been on the sidelines with all kinds of parents. These are some of these things that as parents we want officials to know. More >>

By Jeannette Twomey

Few of us have a clear idea of how to approach a tense situation in the coach-parent relationship to get the best results. Here are some not-so-obvious techniques that will help get your message across and get the coach working with you to find a solution: More >>

By Shane Murphy, Ph. D.

If you have spent a lot of time as a youth sport parent during the past year (as I have), you probably feel a bit battered and bruised right now. It seems that everyone is ready to blame "out-of-control parents" for all the ills of youth sports. We are the crazy ones screaming on the sidelines, abusing the kids, yelling at the officials, and displaying poor sportsmanship. What's a parent to do? Read Full Story>>

In-line skaters can trace the roots of their sport back to Holland in the early 1700’s and an attempt to simulate ice-skating in the summer. The modern version of in-line skating was started in Minnesota in 1979 by a young hockey player named Scott Olsen, who founded a company called Rollerblade and began the craze known as "rollerblading." More >>

Coaches and parents often ask me whether a child's grades in school should impact their ability to play organized team sports. It is a difficult question to which there are no easy answers. More >>

By Suzanne Nelson, D.Sc., R.D.

Food fulfills three basic needs: (1) to provide energy; (2) to support new tissue growth and tissue repair; and (3) to help regulate metabolism. These three requirements are met by components of foods called "nutrients", which consist of six classes: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. More >>

For a complete list of articles on Nutrition, click here.

For a complete list of articles on Health and Safety, click here.

A Louisiana company has been accused by the state's Attorney General of running a scam targeting youth sports teams nationwide. More >>

Baseball Player sliding into homeAccording to the CDC, sliding into a base causes more than 70 percent of recreational softball injuries and nearly one-third of baseball injuries, including ankle sprains. Most base-sliding accidents result from judgment errors by the runner, poor sliding technique, and inadequate physical conditioning. More >>

Critical Cardiac Information

By Suzanne Nelson, Sc.D., RD

While the most important part of any
athlete's diet is fluids, the type, amount, timing, and even temperature of fluids consumed by a preadolescent child before, during, and after exercise play an especially critical role in maintaining the health and optimal performance of your child athlete because they react differently to exercise and heat differently than adults, or even teenagers. More >>


by Doreen Greenberg, Ph.D.

Frustrated basketball playerYou've just moved to a new school. They've got a pretty decent basketball team. You were the best point guard at your old school. But, here, the coach doesn't really know you -- and your position is a seat on the bench. You are getting pretty frustrated and angry. You don't even want to talk to him! More >>

Chances are you've probably heard the phrase "You win some. You lose some. Some get rained out." In a few short sentences, it captures the essence of the youth sports experience. No matter how talented your child may be, there are going to days when he doesn't play his best, or when, despite his best effort, his team loses. More >>

Youth baseball playerThe youth baseball team my sons had been playing on all spring had reached the championship game. There were two out in the bottom of the last inning. Our team was down by a run, but the bases were loaded. Read More >>

An emergency medical plan should include an established set of actions to follow in the event of a medical emergency during a youth sports practice or game.
More >>

Hydration Essentials
Sponsored by SunnyD

By Suzanne Nelson, D.Sc., R.D.

Mom juggling fruitWhether it's training for a soccer game or playing a backyard game of catch, children's athletic performance, development, and growth depend largely on eating the right foods. Unfortunately, most children (and adults) forget just how important nutrition is to good health and athletic performance. Read Full Story>>


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