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neuropsychological testing

Concussion Checklist for Parents

MomsTeam Founder and long-time concussion safety advocate, Brooke de Lench, provides a concussion safety checklist for parents to know their child's sports program is taking concussions seriously.

Neurocognitive Testing Lead To Increased Concussion Awareness

It was only when the use of pre-season and post-concussion neurocognitive testing proved that concussions were having a real effect on brain function that the sports and medical community began to take them seriously, says Dr. William P. Meehan, III.

Paper and Pencil Neuropsychological Testing for Concussions: Valuable But Come with Limitations

Pencil and paper neuropsychological tests have proven useful for identifying cognitive deficits resulting from concussions, and have been available to sports medicine clinicians for years but have a number of limitations.

Neurocognitive Testing For Concussions

Baseline and post-concussion neuropsychological (NP) testing is now recommended for all athletes in sports with a high risk of concussion (e.g. football, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, basketball), regardless of age or level of performance, but the timing and type of testing may need to be adjusted for children and adolescents.

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